Wood Lockers

Wood Lockers

More Info About Wood Lockers


Locker Emporium carries a complete line of wood lockers that provide a professional appearance for any locker room. Wood lockers are constructed of durable materials and are available in many tiers. A single tier wood locker is going to provide you with the most space per locker door because it is a single door. Double tier, triple tier, four tier and box style designer wood lockers come with multiple locker doors stacked, which allows you to add more lockers per square foot. If you are limited on space, but need a large quantity of lockers, choosing multiple tiers will probably be more suitable.

Designer wood lockers are available as 1 or 3 wide units and Designer open access and designer gear wood lockers are purchased as individual units. Salsbury Premier Wood Lockers are also available as 1 or 3 wide and come in 6 attractive colors and 3 lock types.

All Wood lockers are available as Designer Wood Lockers, Extra Wide Designer Wood Lockers, Open Access Designer Wood Lockers, and Premier Wood Lockers. Wood lockers typically ship within 2 to 3 weeks and are a great option when professional lockers are needed on site quickly. Wood lockers are used in locations such as locker rooms, health clubs, colleges, schools, county clubs, hospitals, spas, hotels, and a variety of other locations.


Questions & Answers

Wood Lockers

Where can one purchase wood lockers?

Locker Emporium offers a wide variety of wood lockers to accommodate your locker room requirements. You can order online at www.lockeremporium.com or call toll free – 1-888-352-9194.

What are the best wooden lockers for my application?

Wood lockers are great for bringing natural beauty to any environment. Wood lockers are elegant and can adapt to any interior decor pattern. There are multiple wood locker configurations ranging from large open access lockers for voluminous storage needs to box lockers for smaller items.

Are wood lockers assembled?

Wood lockers are manufactured as individual frames for ease of packaging and transportation.  These individual frames can be fastened to additional lockers in the field to complete an installation.  

What locks can be used on wood lockers?

Wood lockers come in several designs, some with built-in locks that require a key or combination, and others with a hasp where a padlock can be placed. Electronic locks are also available for wood lockers.

Are there wood locker benches?

Yes, Lockeremporium.com sells a variety of wood benches in different colors and styles.



